
Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer Revealed and Fans are DONE
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Another Star Wars project, this time a video game called Star Wars Outlaws, has revealed its story today with a new trailer. As always, Star Wars fans DO NOT disappoint with their authentic reactions as disney and lucasfilm continue to burn down the once great franchise. The following article is from Polygon:

The next big Star Wars game fulfills a specific fantasy from a galaxy far, far away. As scrappy scoundrel Kay Vess, players will take part in “one of the greatest heists the Outer Rim has ever seen,” according to the narrative setup for Star Wars Outlaws. A new trailer released Tuesday for Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft’s upcoming open-world Star Wars game dives deeper into the story of Outlaws, a single-player adventure set during the franchise’s original trilogy.

Ubisoft also narrowed down Star War Outlaws’ broad but undefined 2024 release date: The game will arrive on Aug. 30 on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

The latest look at Star Wars Outlaws teases a “golden age for the underworld” of the Star Wars universe, with criminal organizations like the Zerek Besh, Pikes, Crimson Dawn, and the Hutts reaping the rewards of a galaxy at war. It also promises a few familiar characters, including a run in with Jabba the Hutt himself, plus heroes and villains brand-new to the franchise.

Star Wars Outlaws is set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, when the Empire was at nearly full strength but “distracted by a Rebellion that won’t quit.” As Kay, players will navigate through the various factions of the Star Wars universe, including the criminal underworld and the hierarchy of the Empire. On their adventure, they’ll be joined by their furry little alien friend Nix, a Merqaal, and the BX droid ND-5. Kay and friends will visit a variety of planets on their galactic journey, including Canto Bight, Kijimi, Tatooine, Akiva, and a windy locale named Toshara that’s new to the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars Outlaws is just one of a handful of new Star Wars projects in development under Lucasfilm Games. Developer Respawn Entertainment is working on a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and an untitled Star Wars strategy game. Skydance New Media has an untitled Star Wars game in the works, which is being helmed by former Uncharted creative director Amy Hennig. Quantic Dream also has Star Wars: Eclipse, which it describes as “an intricately branching action-adventure game” set during Star Wars’ High Republic era. There’s also Star Wars Hunters, a long-overdue combat arena game in development for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch.

Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer Revealed and Fans are DONE, star wars, star wars news, star wars woke, star wars women, star wars outlaws, star wars outlaws story, star wars outlaws reaction, star wars games, star wars gaming, disney, disney star wars, lucasfilm games, ubisoft


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