
As defending Jerusalem means defending humanity, peace, and respect for various faiths, Türkiye will continue this struggle with determination, the nation’s president told a group dedicated to protecting the holy city.

“Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque faces more and more harassment, with the identity of the ancient city being erased by Israel step by step,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech in Istanbul to the League of Parliamentarians for al-Quds (Jerusalem).

“My forebears served Jerusalem for 400 years; their legacy cannot be erased,” said Erdogan, hearkening back to the Ottoman era.

He added that anyone looking for “modern pharaohs need not look far, just look at those who have mercilessly killed 35,000 Palestinians in the last 203 days,” referring to Israel’s months-long offensive on the Gaza Strip.

“Netanyahu, like villains before him, has etched his name in history with shame as the butcher of Gaza,” Erdogan added.

As Palestinians in Gaza have been resisting for 203 days despite all odds, “no one can expect us to remain silent in the face of the genocide,” he declared.

“We will continue to see our Hamas brothers, who defend their homeland against occupiers, as the National Resistance of Palestine,” said the president.


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