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  3. 衝破黑漩渦 (The Breakthrough) 預告 Trailer|王冠雄|楊惠珊|川原|王俠|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01 Fragman izle

衝破黑漩渦 (The Breakthrough) 預告 Trailer|王冠雄|楊惠珊|川原|王俠|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01 Fragman izle


【衝破黑漩渦 (The Breakthrough)】完整電影:https://youtu.be/4ChpavGOZHo
衝破黑漩渦 (The Breakthrough) 預告 Trailer|王冠雄(Wang Kuan-Hsiung)、楊惠珊(Elsa Yang)、川原(Chuan Yuan)、王俠(Wang Hsieh)、原森(Yuan Shen)、魯平(Lu Ping)、馬場(Ma Chiang)、李敏郎(Li Min-Lang)、虞金寶(Yu Kam-Po):黑幫殺手黃標因謀殺敵對幫派頭目林而被定罪併入獄,而林恰好是黃女友的兄弟。事實上,黃先生是無辜的。幾年後,黃獲釋並開始成為低行為公民。但他的前女友、現任敵對幫派的頭目李文慧英多次試圖殺死他。黃每次都逃脫了。黃氏的兄弟,黃氏幫的老大,在一場意外中被殺,而這實際上是他的二號人物金策劃的。金也是謀殺案中陷害黃的人。黃的回歸現在威脅到了金的最高地位。金派他的手下以黃的名義犯罪。國王男子還毆打林懷英的弟弟。在幫派內部,黃也被孤立。被King勾引的Wong嫂子是King的下一個消滅目標。女人意識到自己以前的錯誤並拯救了自己和黃。在王獲得國王之前。林慧英發現King就是殺害哥哥的真兇後,殺了King。

Gangland Killer Wong Biau is convicted and sent to prison for murdering Lin, Chief of a rival gang who happens to be brother of Wong’s girl friend. Actually Wong is innocent. Years later, Wong is freed and making a start to be a low-abiding citizen. But LMn Wai-ying, his former girl friend, now the leader of the rival gang, makes repeated attempts to kill him. Wong escapes each time. Wong’s brother who was the boss of the Wong gang was kil1ed in an accident which actually was plotted by his No. 2 man King. King is also the man who framed Wong in the murder. Wong’s return now threatens King’s position at the top. King sends his men to commit crimes in Wong’s name. King’s man also beats up Lin Wai-ying’s younger brother. Within the gang, Wong is also isolated. Wong’s sister-in-law who was seduced by King is King’s next target of elimination. The woman realizes her former fallies and saves herself and Wong. Before Wong could get King. Lin Wai-ying has killed King after she finds out King is her brother’s real murderer.

#8號電影院 #衝破黑漩渦 #王冠雄 #楊惠珊 #川原 #王俠 #原森 #魯平 #馬場 #李敏郎 #虞金寶 #港產片 #香港電影 #亞洲電影 #線上看 #粵語 #中文字幕 #FortuneStar #預告 #trailer

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梁朝偉 Tony Leung:https://reurl.cc/LWxgGx
周潤發 Chow Yun Fat:https://reurl.cc/VzZgd6
洪金寶 Sammo Hung:https://reurl.cc/p3b2kr
周星馳 Stephen Chow:https://reurl.cc/jW42AL
劉青雲 Sean Lau:https://reurl.cc/vab2YA
電視電影 Telemovie:https://reurl.cc/70ANxk
天使行動系列 – Iron Angels Collection:https://reurl.cc/WxYg25


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